CFL, LED and HPS Grow Lights

By Harry H

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Grow lights play an essential role in indoor gardening, providing plants with the necessary light spectrum and intensity to thrive. As a gardener, understanding the differences between various types of grow lights – such as CFL, LED, and HPS – is crucial for making an informed decision when selecting a lighting system for your indoor garden. One must consider factors like efficiency, cost, and the specific needs of the plants being cultivated.

There are notable differences between CFL, LED, and HPS grow lights in terms of energy efficiency, heat output, and light spectrum. For example, CFL and LED lights typically use less energy and produce less heat, making them suitable for smaller spaces or growers with limited resources. On the other hand, HPS grow lights are known for their high intensity and broad-spectrum output, favored by experienced growers for maximizing plant growth and yields. Let us dive into the topic and see if we can explain what CFL, LED and HPS Grow Lights are and how they differ.

CFL, LED and HPS Grow Lights

In this section, we will discuss the three primary types of grow lights used for indoor gardening and their characteristics. These include Compact Fluorescent Lights (CFL), Light Emitting Diodes (LED), and High-Pressure Sodium (HPS) lights.


Compact Fluorescent Lights, or CFLs, are energy-efficient bulbs that produce less heat compared to other light sources. These bulbs are an excellent choice for small-scale gardening, as they can be placed closer to the plants without risking heat damage. CFLs emit light in a full spectrum, providing the necessary wavelengths for healthy plant growth.

However, CFLs may not be the most suitable option for larger gardens, as their lower light intensity requires them to be in close proximity to plants. This close placement may become challenging when trying to reach all areas of a large, densely planted area.


LED grow lights represent a more advanced technology in the world of indoor horticulture. These lights are highly efficient, long-lasting, and generate less heat compared to other types of grow lights. They can provide the optimal combination of wavelengths necessary for plant growth and are customizable to cater to specific plant needs.

LED lights are often more expensive upfront, but their energy efficiency and longevity can make them a cost-effective choice in the long run. Additionally, their low heat output allows them to be placed near plants without risking plant health.


High-Pressure Sodium, or HPS, lights are another popular choice for indoor gardening, especially for larger operations. HPS bulbs produce an intense, warm-toned light that is particularly well-suited for fruiting and flowering plants.

One downside to HPS lights is their heat production. They generate significantly more heat than LED or CFL lights, and this requires additional ventilation and cooling measures to avoid damaging plants. Despite this drawback, HPS grow lights are often favored by experienced gardeners for their ability to provide uniform, intense light to support plant growth.

As we’ve explored, there are various grow light options to consider for our indoor gardening needs, each with their unique advantages and drawbacks. Whether we choose CFL, LED, or HPS, selecting the appropriate grow light greatly impacts the health and productivity of our plants.

Key Components

When it comes to choosing the best grow lights for your indoor garden, it’s essential to consider the following key components: Spectrum, Power, and Reflector. In this section, we will discuss each of these components and explain their significance in ensuring optimal growth for your plants.


The spectrum of a grow light is crucial because it determines the quality and type of light your plants receive. Different plants require different light spectrums for their various growth stages. A full spectrum light includes all the necessary wavelengths for effective photosynthesis, mimicking natural sunlight. For instance, during the vegetative stage, plants need more blue light, while the flowering stage requires more red light. It’s important to choose a grow light that offers a balanced light spectrum for the specific plants you’re growing.


Power is an essential factor to consider when comparing grow lights. The wattage, or power consumption, of a light has a direct impact on its efficiency and efficacy. Grow lights with higher wattage often produce more lumens and have a broader coverage area, which is essential for larger grow spaces. However, keep in mind that a higher wattage also means a higher electricity consumption. Some popular grow light types include:

  • CFL (Compact Fluorescent Light) – These lights have low wattage, making them suitable for small grow spaces and seedling growth.
  • LED (Light Emitting Diode) – LED grow lights are energy-efficient and have a long lifespan. They can also achieve higher levels of lumens per watt compared to other grow light types.
  • HPS (High-Pressure Sodium) – With high wattage and intense light output, HPS grow lights are suitable for larger grow spaces and accelerated growth.


Reflectors play a vital role in ensuring that the light emitted by your grow light is evenly distributed across your plants. They can help focus the light on specific areas or disperse it throughout the grow space, depending on your needs. High-quality reflectors can increase the overall efficiency of your grow light system and ensure that your plants receive the optimal amount of light for their growth. When selecting a reflector, consider its design, material, and compatibility with your chosen grow light type.

By carefully considering each of these key components—Spectrum, Power, and Reflector—you can choose the most effective grow light system tailored to your specific indoor gardening needs.

Effectiveness on Plant Growth

When it comes to supporting plant growth, different types of grow lights offer various benefits. In this section, we explore the effectiveness of CFL, LED, and HPS grow lights on plant growth, photosynthesis, the vegetative phase, and the flowering stage.

CFL (Compact Fluorescent Lights) grow lights provide an energy-efficient option for growing herbs and green leafy growth. These lights emit a wide spectrum of light, imitating natural sunlight, which is essential for solid vegetative growth. However, CFL lights aren’t as effective in supporting the flowering stage as other options, such as LED or HPS grow lights.

LED (Light Emitting Diode) grow lights are an innovative option, known for their energy efficiency and versatility. They can be customized to emit specific wavelengths of light, optimizing the light spectrum for different plant types and growth phases. With up to 60 percent higher efficacy than traditional horticultural lamps, LED grow lights support the entire life cycle of a plant, from vegetative growth through the flowering stage. These lights are especially suitable for growing herbs, green leafy growth, and promoting efficient photosynthesis.

HPS (High Pressure Sodium) grow lights are a popular choice for professional growers. They provide a high-intensity light, ideal for the flowering stage of plants, while also being effective during the vegetative phase. HPS lights promote vigorous growth and high yields but can consume more energy compared to CFL and LED grow lights.

When determining the most effective grow light for your plants, it’s crucial to consider factors such as energy consumption, life cycle support, and adaptability. LED grow lights, in particular, excel in these aspects while being capable of promoting vigorous plant growth for a wide range of vegetation types.

Grow Light Efficiency

When it comes to indoor gardening, we understand the importance of choosing the most efficient grow lights for our plants. Efficiency plays a significant role in the overall success of our garden and impacts energy usage, electricity bills, and heat management within the grow space. In this section, we’ll discuss the efficiency-related aspects of CFL, LED, and HPS grow lights.

First, let’s consider energy efficiency. LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes) are known to be more energy efficient compared to their CFL (Compact Fluorescent Light) and HPS (High Pressure Sodium) counterparts. According to market research, LED lights consume about 90 percent less power than HPS grow lights. This means that using LED grow lights results in a lower electricity bill, making them a more cost-effective choice for indoor gardeners in the long run.

A factor closely related to energy efficiency is the heat generated by the different types of grow lights. Excessive heat can be detrimental to plant growth and might require additional ventilation or cooling systems to maintain optimal temperatures for our plants. LED grow lights produce less heat than HPS lights, reducing the need for extra ventilation or airflow systems and allowing us to allocate more resources towards other aspects of our indoor gardens.

While CFL grow lights are also known for generating lesser heat than HPS lights, they aren’t as efficient as LEDs. CFLs do perform well for smaller growing areas and can be a more budget-friendly option for new gardeners who are starting with a limited plant space.

As we can see, grow light efficiency is paramount when it comes to choosing the right lighting system for our indoor gardens. By carefully considering factors such as energy efficiency, electricity bills, heat generation, and diode technology, we can make informed decisions that ultimately improve the effectiveness of our grow spaces and the overall success of our gardens.

Comparison of Grow Lights

When it comes to choosing the best grow light for your indoor garden, it’s essential to compare the different types available. In this section, we will briefly discuss HPS, LED, CFL, and MH grow lights and their key features.

High-Pressure Sodium (HPS) grow lights have been a popular choice among indoor gardeners for years. They emit a warm, yellow-orange spectrum of light, ideal for the flowering stage of plant growth. HPS lights are known for their high intensity and efficiency, but they also produce more heat, which can be a concern for some growers. Additionally, HPS bulbs have a relatively short lifespan and higher ongoing costs due to bulb replacement and electricity consumption 1.

On the other hand, Light Emitting Diode (LED) grow lights are becoming increasingly popular due to their energy efficiency and customizable spectrum. They emit less heat than HPS lights, making it easier to manage the temperature in your grow space 2. LED lights also have a longer lifespan, often lasting up to 50,000 hours or more, which translates to lower maintenance costs over time. However, the initial cost of LED grow lights can be higher than that of other types of lights.

Compact Fluorescent Lights (CFL) are another option for indoor gardeners, especially for those on a budget. CFLs are affordable and readily available, making them a convenient choice for growers. They produce a cooler spectrum of light and emit less heat than HPS lights 3. However, CFLs are less efficient, meaning they require more bulbs to provide the same intensity as HPS or LED lights, which can result in higher ongoing electricity costs.

Metal Halide (MH) grow lights are similar to HPS lights but emit a cool blue-white light, which is ideal for the vegetative growth stage of plants. MH lights are not as efficient as HPS or LED lights, but they can be a suitable option for gardeners who want to use separate lighting systems for the vegetative and flowering stages of plant growth 4.

When choosing a grow light for your indoor garden, it’s crucial to consider factors such as initial cost, ongoing costs, energy efficiency, heat emission, and light spectrum. Each type of light has its benefits and drawbacks, so it’s essential to weigh these factors to make an educated decision based on your specific needs and preferences.


  1. The Highest Crop – HPS vs LED Grow Light Comparison Guide
  2. – LED vs HPS Grow Lights
  3. – LED vs HPS vs CFL – What Lights should I use when Growing
  4. Indoor Grow Lights: CFL, LED, HPS, MH, CMH, and More Explained! – YouTube

Choosing the Right Grow Light System

When setting up our indoor garden or grow room, choosing the right grow light system is crucial. Each type of grow light, be it CFL, LED, or HPS, has its unique advantages and requirements. Let’s discuss the key features of each system and how to decide which one is best for our needs.

Compact fluorescent lights (CFLs) are a popular choice for many growers due to their energy efficiency, affordability, and ability to cover a wide range of light spectrums. We can easily find them in various sizes and color temperatures, making them suitable for different stages of plant growth. However, CFLs may not be the best option if our goal is to grow light-hungry fruiting plants or achieve high yields, as they generally provide less light intensity compared to other systems.

Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) have come a long way in the world of indoor gardening. Today’s high-output LEDs are twice as bright as standard LED grow lights, offering excellent light intensity and consistency without the need for height adjustments1. Additionally, their energy efficiency, long lifespan, and full-spectrum output make LEDs a reliable choice for various types of plants and grow areas. However, these benefits come at a higher upfront cost compared to other systems.

High-pressure sodium (HPS) grow lights are known for their high-intensity output, making them ideal for promoting flowering and fruiting in plants. Many professional growers and greenhouses prefer HPS due to their proven ability to achieve high yields and harvest quality. However, HPS systems can generate a lot of heat, so it is essential for us to carefully manage the temperature in our grow room to avoid stressing or damaging the plants. HPS lights are also less energy-efficient than other options, which might be a concern if we aim to minimize long-term energy costs.

To make the right decision for our grow light system, we should take into account the type of plants we are growing, their light requirements, our budget, and the energy efficiency of the system. We must also consider the size of our grow area, as the intensity and coverage of light depend on the spacing and number of lights we use. Finally, proper ventilation and temperature management are essential for any lighting system, especially when dealing with powerful lights like HPS.


  1. How to Choose a Grow Light | Gardener’s Supply

Additional Factors to Consider

When choosing grow lights for your plants, there are various factors that we need to keep in mind aside from just deciding between CFL, LED, and HPS. In this section, we will discuss some additional aspects like ventilation, lighting systems, and the role of metal halide (MH) and high-pressure sodium (HPS) lamps in your setup.

Firstly, the ventilation in your grow area plays a crucial role in the health and well-being of your plants. Proper airflow helps maintain optimal temperature and humidity levels. So, it’s essential to consider the heat generated by your chosen light source. LEDs generate less heat compared to CFL and HPS lights, thus requiring less ventilation.

When setting up your lighting system, it’s essential to understand the different aspects of the lights such as intensity, spectrum, and uniformity. We want to ensure the light reaches every part of your plants without causing any burning or damage. In general, the lamp’s distance from the plants will vary depending on the type of light and its intensity. For instance, a 400w HPS light can be placed about 22-24 inches away, while a 1000w HPS light should be at least 30 inches away from the plants.

The choice between metal halide (MH) and high-pressure sodium (HPS) lamps can also impact your plants’ growth. MH lamps are beneficial during the vegetative phase as they emit a strong blue wavelength that increases the overall growth of plants. On the other hand, HPS lights predominantly provide red wavelengths, which are ideal for the flowering stage, encouraging bud development and higher yields.

It’s essential to strike a balance between providing enough light for your plants and the energy efficiency of your system. Both CFL and LED lights are energy-efficient options; however, LED lights have a longer lifespan and provide higher yields, making them a popular choice amongst growers.

In conclusion, when selecting grow lights for your garden, always consider aspects like ventilation, spectrum, distance from plants, and other factors to help maintain the best environment and support for your plants’ growth.

Advancements in Grow Light Technology

In recent years, grow light technology has made significant advancements, allowing indoor gardeners to achieve better results while using less energy. Let’s briefly examine how some of these improvements enhance the performance of popular grow lights, specifically CFL, LED, and HPS.

Compact Fluorescent Lights (CFL) have become a popular choice for indoor growers due to their energy efficiency and affordability. As technology has advanced, we’ve been able to develop CFL bulbs in a wide range of color spectrums, making them a suitable option for various stages of plant growth. Additionally, modern CFLs generate less heat than their predecessors, allowing for closer placement to plants without the risk of heat damage.

Light Emitting Diode (LED) grow lights have made considerable strides since their introduction around 2010. These lights are 90% more efficient at producing light compared to traditional grow lights. They run cooler, thanks to their heat sink design, and can be easily customized to produce various color spectrums tailored to any plant growth stage. Although LED grow lights had a higher upfront cost, their efficiency eventually made up for it over time, providing growers with a quality product that required less frequent bulb replacement.

High-Pressure Sodium (HPS) grow lights have also seen improvements through technological advancements. Traditionally, HPS lights were known for their high energy consumption and heat output. However, recent developments in ballast and reflector design have mitigated some of these issues, making them more suitable for indoor growing applications. HPS lights still require more energy compared to LED and CFL lights, but their improved designs have contributed to greater yields and stronger plant growth.

By staying informed on the latest advancements in grow light technology, we can make educated decisions about which indoor grow lights to choose. As these technologies continue to evolve and improve, we’re likely to see even greater advancements in energy efficiency, design, and overall versatility, further empowering indoor gardeners to optimize their growing conditions for healthier, more robust plants.

Managing Energy Costs and Environmental Impact

As we strive to create an efficient indoor growing environment, understanding the capabilities and limitations of different grow lights is essential in managing energy costs and minimizing environmental impact. Here, we examine Compact Fluorescent Lights (CFL), Light Emitting Diodes (LED), and High-Pressure Sodium (HPS) grow lights regarding their energy consumption, cost, and ecological footprint.

CFLs were once the most cost-effective, energy-efficient choice in the market. They can help you save money and use less energy, which leads to a decrease in greenhouse gas emissions. However, CFLs are not as efficient as modern LED grow lights. LEDs use just 10% of the energy of incandescent lights and less than half the energy of CFLs. This energy efficiency makes them a more economical option for both short-term and long-term investment in indoor gardening.

When it comes to managing the growing environment, LED lights generate less heat than both CFL and HPS lights. This reduces the need for additional climate control measures such as ventilation or air conditioning, which can further decrease electricity costs. Moreover, maintaining proper humidity levels becomes more manageable with LED lights as they emit less heat, making it easier to create a balanced environment for plant growth.

Furthermore, LED lighting technology greatly reduces CO2 emissions, as it consumes considerably less energy than traditional lighting systems. Consequently, this choice contributes to a lower ecological footprint by reducing greenhouse gas emissions associated with electricity production.

In summary, investing in energy-efficient LED grow lights can minimize the electricity costs involved in indoor gardening, maintain ideal humidity levels, and leave a smaller carbon footprint. The leaps in technology have made LEDs not only a viable option but also a superior choice for growers who prioritize managing energy costs and environmental impact.

Final Thoughts

When it comes to indoor gardening, choosing the right grow light is essential for success. We’ve explored the three main types of grow lights: CFL, LED, and HPS, and now we’d like to share some final thoughts.

CFLs are a good choice for small growing spaces, as they provide adequate light intensity and spectrum for plant growth. They can produce good results, but require more frequent adjustments due to their lower output compared to LEDs or HPS light sources.

LEDs, on the other hand, have come a long way in recent years. They are now more efficient than HPS lights, with some LED fixtures offering up to 60% higher efficacy sources. This makes them an excellent choice for growers looking to save on energy costs while still achieving excellent plant growth. Additionally, they generate less heat compared to HPS, which can help maintain optimal growing conditions.

HPS lights are still widely used by professional and amateur growers alike due to their high light output and spectrum ideal for flowering plants. However, they do consume more energy and generate more heat than LEDs sources.

In summary, the best grow light type for your indoor garden depends on your specific needs and goals. Consider factors such as space, energy consumption, heat generation, and light output when making your decision. By carefully selecting the right grow light, you can create an optimal environment for your plants to thrive.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the advantages of using LED, CFL, and HPS grow lights?

LED grow lights are known for their energy efficiency, long lifespans, and minimal heat output. They're suitable for small spaces and require less frequent maintenance due to their durability. CFLs are also energy efficient and produce less heat than HPS lights. They are versatile and ideal for tight spaces or supplementary lighting. HPS lights, on the other hand, are great for providing intense light needed for fruiting and flowering plants. They offer strong penetration through plant canopies and have been proven reliable through years of use.

How do the costs of LED, CFL, and HPS lights compare?

In terms of initial investment, LED lights are generally the most expensive, followed by HPS and then CFLs. However, the running costs and power consumption over time are lower for LEDs, making them more cost-effective in the long term. CFL lights also have lower energy consumption and running costs, although their initial price is lower than LED lights. HPS lights, while less expensive upfront, have higher running costs due to increased power consumption and the need for periodic bulb replacement.

What is the ideal grow light setup for different types of plants?

The ideal grow light setup depends on the specific needs of the plants being grown. Vegetative plants, such as leafy greens or herbs, can thrive under LED or CFL lights, which provide cooler temperatures and adequate light intensity. Flowering and fruiting plants, like tomatoes and peppers, may benefit from the intense light and warmth provided by HPS lights. However, more advanced LED lights can also provide excellent results for fruiting and flowering plants.

How do the lifespans of LED, CFL, and HPS lights differ?

LED lights have the longest lifespan, lasting up to 50,000 hours or more. This means fewer replacements and less maintenance. The average lifespan of CFL lights is around 10,000 hours, while HPS lights may last between 12,000 and 24,000 hours. It's important to note that the lifespans of all grow lights can be greatly affected by usage patterns, maintenance practices, and environmental factors.

Do all grow lights provide full spectrum lighting?

No, not all grow lights provide a full spectrum of light. Certain types, such as LED, can be engineered to provide a broad range of wavelengths suitable for different plant growth stages. However, some types like HPS and CFL lights emit a light spectrum focused more on the red and blue parts of the spectrum, which are essential for plant growth. It is crucial to select grow lights that provide the appropriate spectrum for your plants' needs.

How does energy efficiency vary between LED, CFL, and HPS lights?

LED lights are the most energy-efficient option, consuming the least amount of power per unit of light produced. They also emit very little heat, reducing the need for extra cooling measures in your grow space. CFLs are also moderately energy efficient, producing less heat compared to HPS lights. However, they consume more energy than LEDs. HPS lights are the least energy-efficient among the three, requiring more power and producing the most heat.